Thursday, May 10, 2007

Global Positioning System (GPS)

I bought a Royaltek RBT-1000 GPS. This is a little (60gr) bluetooth GPS reciever. Connecting it to the Zaurus was really easy (mainly following this ipaq bluetooth gps howto),

  1. Turn the GPS and Zaurus on.
  2. Insert bluetooth CF. I found out that if the Zaurus was suspended with the bluetooth card inserted I had to restart the CF card with,
    #cardctl eject; cardctl insert
  3. Edit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf,
  4. Bind the dev (If the bind option is disabled).,
    # rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0
  5. To see the raw feed,
    # cat /dev/rfcomm0
  6. Start gpsd, this daemon gives a simpler interface to the gps feed, qpegps and (I think) roadmap use it to recieve data from the gps.
    #gpsd -f /dev/rfcomm0
    adding the -n switch turns on the bluetooth immidiatly and leaves it on (even if there is no active connection) otherwise gpsd closes the bluetooth after the connection was closed. This is good if I want to recive data using a command line script like (thanx ckuethe),
    #echo "0" | nc localhost 2947
    This will spit out the position and velocity information.
  7. Connecting to gpsd using telnet,
    # telnet localhost 2947
    there several commands that are documented in the gpsd manpage.
  8. roadmap gps terminal seems to work out of the box,
    # roadgps
    but gives very limited information (only satellite constellation and signal strength).
That was the easy part. roadmap started ok only if I start it from the map folder (where usdir.rdm exists) managed to connect to the gps, but it doesn't show the map (which I got from qpegps started ok, but couldn't connect to gpsd which makes it useless.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I'm trying to connect my Motorola RAZR V3 using a bluetooth connection. This is what I found to be semi-successful:
On cellphone side:

  1. Enable bluetooth connection.
  2. Enable detection.
On the zaurus side:
  1. Set the pin number:
  2. # echo "0000" > /etc/bluetooth/pin
  3. create the script /usr/bin/
    echo -n "PIN:"
    cat /etc/bluetooth/pin

    Alternatively In Bluetooth Manager (under the Settings tab), uncheck "enable authentification" and "enable encryption", and set the Default Passkey to "0000", this seems to work aswell.

  4. In /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf, change security from user to auto.
    also change the PIN helper to pin_helper /usr/bin/;

  5. Restart the bluetooth service:
    # /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop; /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
Now I can do:
# hcitool inq
and I see the information about the cellphone.
# sdptool browse MAC_ADDRESS
and I see a list of services - with gibberish titles... but list of them nonetheless...

This concludes it, I cannot send files to the cellphone. When I try sending files from the cellphone to the Zaurus I receive a "Service Not Supported" error.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

zRoadMap again

I've found Wendell Turner's Sharp Zaurus ipk, and installed it:

# ipkg install -d loop0 /media/card/zroadmap_1.0.12-r2_arm5te.ipk
# ipkg-link add kernel-module-usbcore-2.6
# ipkg-link add kernel-module-usbkbd-2.6
# ipkg-link add kernel-module-usbmouse-2.6
# ipkg-link add usbutils
# ipkg-link add zroadmap
after copying the files from /opt/QtPalmtop/share/roadmap to ~/.roadmap/
# cp /opt/QtPalmtop/share/roadmap/* ~/.roadmap/
and starting roadmap from ~/.roadmap:
# cd ~/.roadmap
# roadmap
But there is still the issue of getting maps....

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

qpeGPS & zRoadMap

Install qpegps:
first, install gpsd:

# ipkg install gpsd -d loop0
# ipkg-link add gpsd
Then libgps14:
# ipkg install libgps14 -d loop0
# ipkg-link add libgps14
Then qpe:
# ipkg install qpegps -d loop0
# ipkg-link add qpegps
In order for the map download to work, downmap and gif2png needed to be extracted into /opt/QtPalmtop/bin
wget is needed to be installed (apparently the busybox version is not compatible with downmap)
# ipkg install wget -d loop0
# ipkg-link add wget
Now I'll try to download Haifa area maps... this takes some time (24 maps are downloaded)

Apperantly the popup menu doesn't work... :-(

I'll try my luck with zroadmap:
# ipkg install -d loop0 zroadmap
# ipkg-link add zroadmap

It seems that the directories are not configured well, roadmap searches for the file usdir.rdm which I found in /opt/QtPalmtop/share/roadmap/, once I started roadmap from this directory it started ok (but no maps...).
No luck finding maps, So I removed it
# ipkg-link remove zroadmap
# ipkg remove zroadmap